08 9964 4740
08 9964 3410
151 Durlacher St, Geraldton 6530
Victoria District Medical Centre offers a modern three bed fully equipped Treatment Room facility.
Appointments are made through receptionist and/or nurses.
Fees: Fees are payable for some services and are charged through the receptionist.
You will be advised of any out of pocket fees prior to your procedure, please ask if unsure.
We cannot bulk bill treatment room consumables.
We are able to perform:
+ Immediate treatment in minor emergencies
+ Diagnostic services including
+ Lung function testing
+ Electrocardiography ECG
+ Ultrasound (pelvic and obstetric)
+ Minor surgical procedures including
+ excisions
+ suturing
+ wound dressing/review
+ cryotherapy,
+ electro cautery
+ Covid Vaccine
+ Urine Drug Screening
+ Iron Infusions
+ Rehydration and oxygen therapy
+ Blood sugar and INR testing
+ Urinalysis
+ Ear syringing
+ Therapeutic Venesection intravenous Cannulation
+ Vaccinations (Travel)
+ Pregnancy testing
+ Asthma, Diabetic & Heart Disease education
+ Skin checks & excisions
+ Injectable Medicine i.e. Vit B12, Prolia, Depo
+ Audiometer Testing
+ Joint Injections
+ Ingrown Toenail Surgery
+ PDT Therapy (Photodynamic Therapy for sun damaged skin)
+ Skin Needling - Dermapen
Results will only be given over the phone once checked & approved by the GP, by a Registered Nurse. Please be aware some Results will require a Doctors appt.
Approximately 50% of our work is standard GP such as acute care and chronic disease, women’s and men’s health checks, skin cancer checks. 50% is work that a specialist would perform in the city. This includes obstetrics, point of care ultrasound, Implanon, Mirena, Paediatrics, Neonatal medicine, Skin surgery, Cryotherapy, Tongue tie release, Ingrown toenail surgery, Joint injections, Lap band fills, shared care with a variety of specialists including ADHD, psychiatry, medical cases.