08 9964 4740
08 9964 3410
151 Durlacher St, Geraldton 6530
We offer a variety of services to treat the whole family from cradle to grave.
+ Dr Kim Pedlow GP with interests in skin cancer, Paediatric, Paediatric learning difficulties, neurodevelopmental disorder, ultrasound
+ Dr Sarah Hasnain - GP Obstetrics
+ Dr Sue Douglas - Senior GP
+ Dr Sri Rapuri - Senior GP
+ Dr John Mateljan - GP & Anaesthetist available within the practice
Tel 9921 5111
Fax 9965 2260
Email reception@drmateljan.com.au
+ Natalie Holmes - Nurse Practitioner
+ Ane Els - RN Full-time
+ Kiryn Singh-MConnell - RN Part-time
+ Paige Adams - RN Part-time
Our well-equipped treatment room is a modern 2 bed, 1 chair spacious area, catering for skin cancer including photodynamic therapy, management of acute illness, immunisations, wound and ulcer care. We now also offer Skin Needling using DermaPen by Kiryn.
See our friendly nurses for expert help in a caring environment.
Admin Staff
+ Josie Lawrence – Practice Manager / Dr Kim Pedlow, Dr Anne Angelkovska Reception
Tel 99216099
Fax 9964 3410
Email josie@gvdmc.com
+ Mikayla Mosley - Dr Kim Pedlow & Dr Sarah Hasnain Receptionist
Tel 99216099
Fax 9964 3410
Email mikayla@gvdmc.com
+ Jenelle Maynard – VDMC Administration
Tel 99216099
Fax 9964 3410
Email jenelle@gvdmc.com
+ Wendy Sutton - VDMC Receptionist
Tel 9964 4740
Fax 9964 3410
Email wendy@gvdmc.com
+ Sabine Mertens - Receptionist
Tel 9964 4740
Fax 9964 3410
Email sabine@gvdmc.com
Dr Anne Angelkovska - Registered Clinical Psychologist Michael Gillies - Psychologist
Tel 99216099 Tel 99216099
Fax 9964 3410 Fax 99643410
Email josie@gvdmc.com Email josie@gvdmc.com
Anna Kosch – Podiatrist - Mondays (Fortnightly) Tanya Dale - Dietitian
Tel 99216099 Tel 0460 934 802
Fax 9964 3410 Email mindfulnutrition4U@gmail.com
Email jenelle@gvdmc.com
Sam Bulten - Exercise Physiologist Georgia Flower - Physiotherapist
Tel 99644740 Tel 99644740
Fax 9964 3410 Fax 9964 3410
Email jenelle@gvdmc.com Email jenelle@gvdmc.com
Dr Rob Will - Rheumatology
Tel 9472 1588/1300 659 796
Fax 9472 1082