08 9964 4740
08 9964 3410
151 Durlacher St, Geraldton 6530
Patients may phone any time during surgery hours to discuss results or to make enquiries. Please allow 2/3 business days for general results. Results will only be given over the phone once checked & approved by the GP, and only by a Registered Nurse.
The Nurse may need to phone back if unable to take the call immediately. Please be aware some Results will require a Drs appt.
Dr consultations will not be interrupted for Patient Phone Queries (unless previously discussed with Dr), a message is placed in the Doctor’s tray for actioning, after Consultations.
Where the call is urgent, the patient is put through to the Treatment Room to be Triaged by a Registered Nurse, and appropriate action is taken.
Patients with communication barriers
For patients who have communication barriers, we are very happy to offer other alternatives for communication, such as:
Translating and Interpreting Service (131 131450 Practice Code is C9 85060)
Services for the visually impaired and deaf patients (1800 246 945)
Patients should not use email to contact the Practice in an emergency or to make appointments. Please call the Practice on the above phone numbers to make all appointments. Patients contacting the Practice by email can expect to wait up to two days for a response
Appointments are normally 15-minute intervals but if you feel you require a longer consultation please discuss this at the time of booking. New patients require an extended Consultation of 30 minutes. A longer consultation time may be needed if you have more than one health issue to discuss with your doctor, or paperwork to be completed. I.E. Driver’s license. If you are unsure, please talk to our friendly reception team for advice.
Telehealth consultations (via Microsoft TEAMS, Facetime or Whats App) may be offered as an alternative & under doctor discretion.
Urgent/Emergency appointments will be directed to our Practice Nurse for triaging accordingly.
If you are unable to keep your appointment, please let our Reception Staff know immediately so that we may offer the appointment to someone else.
Failure to attend an appointment may result in a fee being charged which will not be claimable through Medicare. A minimum of 2 hours notice will be required where possible. Depending the length of time the appointment was booked for will depend on fee charged.
During the clinic opening hours, the practice GP's will offer home visits at their discretion. Dr Pedlow, Dr Hasnain & Dr Douglas offer home visits when it is appropriate, depending on circumstances and considering the safety of all staff. To obtain a home visit during clinical hours it needs to be safe and reasonable for the GP, and within a 5 km radius of the clinic. When the patient is triaged and a home visit is deemed neither safe or reasonable, a telephone/telehealth consultation will be offered.