08 9964 4740
08 9964 3410
151 Durlacher St, Geraldton 6530
Employment & Training
Positions are open for long term procedural and doctors.
We provide a wide range of services. Approximately 50% of our work is standard GP and 50% is work that a specialist would perform in the city. This includes but not limited to obstetrics, point of care ultrasound, uterine curettage, implanon, mirena, paediatrics, neonatal medicine, skin surgery, cryotherapy, tongue tie release, ingrown toenail surgery, joint injections.
Our practice nurses are rapidly increasing their scope of practice. They perform travel immunisations, ECG, lung function, pregnancy tests, cryotherapy, wound and ulcer dressings, womens health checks, over 75 health assessments and triage of urgent cases including telephone advice. Contact us for further details.
Junior Doctors
Whether they be PGPPP or Registrars all junior doctors are very welcome. Our aim is to promote the early adoption of a rural generalist pathway in WA. We have the capacity to train paediatrics, obstetrics and anaesthetics. These posts would also suit doctors in “generalist” specialist training.
We are accredited for community residency in paediatrics. This is a new initiative from Dr Pedlow and is aimed at strengthening the push for a rural generalist pathway in Western Australia. .
Also available are GP registrar positions with scope for special interests in obstetrics, paediatrics, minor surgery and anaesthetics. In the case of anaesthetics the supervising would be done by a combination of salaried doctors and private anaesthetists in the anaesthetic department at the regional hospital. Our colleague, Dr John Mateljan has kindly agreed to assist our practice with anaesthetic mentoring.
Interested doctors should contact our Practice.
Medical Students
Medical students are welcome. Currently we host Notre Dame final year students, John Flynn scholars, RCSWA, UWA and a variety of placements from around Australia
Practice Nurse and Nurse Practitioner
Trainees in these fields are very welcome. Contact us
The practice of Dr Kim Pedlow is pleased to announce the availability of a new type of academic scholarship for junior doctors working in our practice. Interested applicants will be able to access dedicated working time and a scholarship provided by the practice of $20,000 per annum. We shall be collaborating with Western Australian GP education and training in the first instance and possibly other academic institutions such as the University of Western Australia. This initiative is made possible by the generosity of Dr Pedlow and SJOG Pathology.
We envisage two research topics being undertaken per year. One will be the rural generalist pathway in Western Australia and will be in collaboration with Dr Pedlow.The other research interest will be chosen by the successful applicant who will have full access to a large and well organised electronic medical database and 30 years of clinical records at the practice. We believe that this is and has been a much underutilised resource. It could well be a treasure trove for academic work. The practice patients have been very supportive towards this sort of endeavour.